Saturday, October 8, 2016


it just transfers the pain to someone else.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The powerful words of Cherish

I've got some rage, and it's coming out. If expletives, radical opinions, or raw emotion make you uncomfortable then I suggest you don't read this post because I am about to unapologetically let it let fly. Consider yourself warned.
First, I have just had it with this society. I've had it with fucking white people who think their shit don't stink, who think they are above everyone else simply because they are white. As if white = right. I'm sick of the social, and blatantly racist hierarchy we have to face every day. I'm so fucking trained by this colonial system (my own personal work in progress, trying to free myself from it) that it I'm afraid to say 'white people' because I don't want to make my white friends uncomfortable or have them think I am directly 'attacking' them or blaming them, I don't say it because I don't want to have my words used against me to keep from being able to obtain employment or housing or other needs, and then I feel guilty because my ancestry is more than just Indigenous and I am proud all of my heritage because it makes me who I am. But the fact is, my skin is brown, and in this society that somehow equates to having no value, no humanity. I've had to put up with some serious bullshit as an Aboriginal person, let me tell you! I can't even count the number of times I have been called squaw, or chug, or dirty. I have been followed in stores and multiple times have been searched on my way out (even if I've made a purchase). If I'm at airport security, you'd better believe that I'm going to be selected for the 'random search'. I have been accused of being a mooch on society, of being lazy, and of contributing nothing (all by total strangers). I've had people see me walking and cross the street to avoid me, and people request not to be seated next to my table at restaurants, and people loudly whisper horrible things about Aboriginal people as if they don't mean for anyone to hear it (but they do). I've had people pull their children closer to them or even hold them with their faces away while they glare at me as if I'm some kind of monster that is undoubtedly there to harm them. And most times I feel like I better not say anything in any of those situations because that will make things so much worse. I'd prefer not to be tased, or shot, or beaten, or blacklisted, or jailed, or any other shitty thing thank you very much. I mean seriously, what the hell is wrong with this society that this shit is still so normalized and accepted? Here is something totally screwed up... I even had a moment this summer where I decided not to take one of my daily tinctures before going to the post office because it happened to be one that lingers on the breath and I didn't want to be judged by the people at the post office for having a scent of alcohol on my breath, I felt like it would just reinforce a terrible stereotype. My beloved herbal medicine, I should not have had reason to feel I couldn't take it, and yet I felt overwhelmingly inclined to protect myself and the reputation of Aboriginal people.
And it's not just Aboriginal people who are subject to this; if you are different in any way, this colonial 'culture' does not support you. Hell, even if you are not that different this culture isn't going to be very good to you - take veterans and seniors for example. Regardless of how well they fit in to the acceptable framework, they still get treated poorly. Oh, and here's something: today while I was out walking (not that this is a one time experience, I have seen it a lot) there was a family walking down the street and they passed a homeless man who was sitting up against a building, and they looked upon him with such disdain, as if he were a terrible blemish on the world. Have you no fucking heart people!?! That is a living being right there! You don't know them, you don't know their story. You are so bothered by them being there, but for all the wrong reasons. It fucking bothers me to see them there, it is a reminder every day that our society doesn't support people equally. If you veer at all from the narrow view of acceptable gender or sexual identity, if your body is not cookie-cuter perfect, if you are foreign - or just coloured, if your world-view falls outside that of the dominant culture, if you have an illness, or a disability (egads, this is especially true if you have an illness or disability is not visibly obvious) then you will likely be subject to a shit-storm of abuse and be pressured to conform as much as possible. I just don't understand, what an idiotic way to see things, life flourishes with diversity - duh!
I abhor this capitalist cesspool that we are living in too. Capitalism is a most profane abuse on humanity and the living world; it needs to end. Look at what it has done to us! Shit is all fucked up, we need to change it - now. The land and other living beings on it need our love and care now more than ever. For the sake of the almighty dollar and unnecessary luxuries this world has been ravaged. Plant and animal species are going extinct on the regular and we just keep trucking along with our pillaging, never satisfied, and putting what remains at further risk. Consume, consume, consume; the government and rich folk really like us to consume, it fills their pockets and empties ours, creating an imbalance of power in their favor. We have companies that are controlling our way of life, that have far more influence than they should ever be allowed. Oh, the CEO of Nestle thinks water shouldn't be a human right? Well then, let's sell him millions of litres of our fresh water for less than the cost of a large cup of coffee so he can realize that dream of his and further entrench the people in the system. And then there is Monsanto, a fucking evil corporation run by tycoons of misery. Monocropping the fuck out of the land and rendering it unusable for growing food in an alarmingly short period of time, using toxic chemicals to keep from having do a little extra work in the area of pest control (but they say it's safe to eat - please!), killing pollinators, producing mutant crops that should not be put in our bodies, and exercising ridiculous control over the farming industry - both their own farmers and others who inadvertently get caught up in the fray. Our government and society tout the importance of getting an education beyond high-school but then they make a student loan system that is so faulty one might expect it to cause an earthquake. Drown students in debt and then crush them with interest and high repayment plans the moment they finish so that what should be a joyous start to a new career and life path becomes overshadowed by their debts, while their entry-level jobs barely pay them enough to get by. Sneaky back-door deals over oil and land and resources are happening all the time; the 'elite' making their lives more luxurious and comfortable and forsaking all else. If you don't have money, this system is near impossible to live in. I think about this a lot when I get pressured about having kids. Sure, I'll probably have children, but I feel wary about it. We cannot sustain with the way things are operating right now, it leaves a bleak outlook for the future. Will there be clean water for them to drink that isn't sold in toxic plastic bottles? Will they be able to walk outside and breath the air, or stand in the sun without fear? Will there be enough healthy soil left for them to be able to grow food and sustain their bodies? Will they be accepted for the wonderful, unique beings they are or will they be treated as pariahs? Will they be owned by a corporation maybe? It's scary shit to think about. Fuck capitalism.
We need fucking change now. We need to stop being shitty to each other and the planet. We need to stand up to those who would jeopardize the future to fill their coffers just a little bit more. Fuck shitty people, I'm sick of 'em.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

"Building a Healthy Body" by Lesley Baker

Article Two of the Series

 "Building a Healthy Body" "How a spring liver detox will improve your health and increase longevity!"
March is finally upon us! The sun is shining, flowers blooming and it's time to detox our liver! "Detox my what?" you may say. Yes, springtime is the appropriate time to detox your liver. In the winter months we fall into our long lazy hibernation. During this hibernation time we are outside less, we exercise less while eat more. The winter holidays also cause some of us to overindulge in poor food choices. So by the end of the winter season our bodies are crying out to detox and go into spring with a healthy system!
For me personally I wait until I see dandelions in bloom and skunk cabbage peaking out from the ditches. Those are the signs I take notice of for my own detox time. Mother Earth is quite amazing. It is no coincidence that the spring dandelions detox the soil and parts of our eco system. Interestingly enough...dandelions are going to play a wonderful role in detoxing our human livers!
First, let's get familiar with what the liver does for our body. The liver is located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, just below the diaphragm. It is one of the most vital organs we possess, also the largest. The liver has many important functions such as; the detoxification of metabolites, the production of biochemicals which are mandatory for digestion and it is also involved in protein synthesis. The liver is known as an "accessory digestive gland" that produces bile. Bile is an alkaline compound that emulsifies fats in our body. The liver also works with the kidneys to convert vitamin D into it's active form of Vitamin D3. So putting it simply, our liver detoxes our body from pharmaceuticals, poor quality foods, internal and external toxins. The liver processes fat so that the body can get rid of it. So whether it is for health reasons or to lose weight, your liver must be well taken care of.
Most Holistic Practitioners recommend a spring liver cleanse. This does not have to be any crazy detox diet or quick fad diet. There are some great ways to detox the liver as well as some incredible hepatic restorative herbs that can help. The right combination can have your liver dancing the "Up Town Funk" in no time. Your body will feel incredible! You'll be able to rid your body of some of that winter fat, your skin will look radiant and you will be able to increase your Vitamin D absorption - making your spirits brighter! So now that we know the why, what does a liver detox look like?
Signs that your liver may be congested: - Acne, psoriasis, eczema - Difficulty sleeping, staying asleep/waking up feeling exhausted - Mood swings/flares of anger which may seem out of character - Difficult PMS symptoms - Brain fogginess, difficulty focusing - Headaches\Migraines - Food sensitivities/allergy or asthma flare ups - Weight gain, feeling heavy and sluggish - Depression/anxiety/panic attacks - Dysbiosis - Hormonal imbalances - Nutrient deficiencies - General feeling of being toxic - Autoimmune diseases - Fatty stools - Liver is sensitive to palpation
Herbs that aid the health of your liver: - Bitter root (Apocynum androsaemifolium L.) dispells gallstones and stimulates a sluggish liver - Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum L.) a liver detoxifier/protector and increases new cell growth in the liver - Dandelion Root (Taraxacum officinalis rad) detoxifies, stimulates bile and reduces liver inflammation - Burdock root (Arcticum lappa rad) an adaptogen and alterative, lymphatic and hepatic herb - Clivers (Galium aparine L.) adaptogen, anti-inflammatory, detoxifier and anti-obesity
Foods that help detox and support the liver: - Garlic (activates liver enzymes and help flush out toxins, carries large amounts of allicin and selenium) - Grapefruit (not grapefruit juice) (high in Vitamin C and antioxidants while increasing the cleansing process within the liver) - Beets (contain both plant-flavonoids and beta-carotene these improve overall liver functions) - Green Tea (loaded with catechins for liver function and antioxidants) - Leafy greens (arugula, dandelion greens, mustard greens (these increase bile flow and aid in removing waste from your organs) - Apples (contains pectin, cleanses toxins from the digestive tract and makes the livers job easier in letting go of it's toxic build up) - Olive oil - cold pressed/organic (in small amounts) (a lipid that can draw toxins to itself and aid the elimination of toxins from the body. - The Cruciferous family of greens: broccoli and cauliflower (steamed) (increase glucosinolate in your body, thus aiding the enzyme production in your liver) - Lime/Lemons (high in Vitamin C) Have a warm cup of water and lemon or lime in the morning upon waking. This will stimulate your digestion and also stimulate your liver. - Brassica's (cabbage/brussel sprouts) these help stimulate the activation of enzymes that help the liver flush out toxins. Prior to Cleanse: Before beginning your cleanse determine how strong your body is currently. Are you dealing with any chronic or existing diseases? Have you been weak or struggling with depression? If so, you will want to do more of a gentle cleanse that is not going to throw your body into shock. However, if you are healthy and strong you can handle something more substantial like the Master Cleanse. Whichever path you decide to choose the most important thing is that your liver is getting some spring time attention.
5 Day Gentle Cleanse : Start your morning first thing with hot water and lemon. Avoid: All processed foods, dairy (use almond milk), wheat, gluten, all sugar, fatty foods, poor quality meats/processed meats, fruit juices and excessive fruit consumption, all alcohol and limit caffeine to one a day. Favor: Try substituting coffee with dandelion coffee, drink your herbal tea and warm lemon water. Add the foods mentioned above as well as organic meats and (sparingly) fresh organic eggs. Make sure you steam vegetables first (except your salad greens). Cooking your food will make it easier on your digestion and easier for your liver to deal with. Your greens can be eaten as a salad but skip the dressing and try olive oil with sea salt and pepper or sprinkled with lemon.
Fat soluable vitamins A, D, E, K.
Meals: Breakfast can be a nice veggie omelette with grapefruit (or perhaps warm quinoa with warmed almond milk and some cinnamon). For lunch you may want to try making a hearty beet borscht with some rye crackers. Supper can be cooked veggies, a lean meat/fish and a small salad. Your fruit (chose apples and berries over tropical) must be eaten separate from all meals so use those for snack times. Try having your apples baked with a little cinnamon. Mary's crackers and hummus are also delightful as a snack.
Herbal tea: Milk thistle, Burdock root and Dandelion root. Purchase these dried herbs (active) from a herbalist/apocathary/or reputable health food store. (20 grams of each). Combine them together and make 3-4 teas a day using one tablespoon of the mixture in each cup of boiling water. Allow a 15 minute covered steep time.
***Important Note: Be sure to chew your food well so that your teeth/saliva are doing the work for your digestion. Do not over eat! Eat until full and eat only when hungry. Do not eat after 7:00 pm. At night while sleeping, your system begins to heal itself. If you eat prior to bed your organs do not rest, they begin working overtime to process your food. This results in feeling sluggish and experiencing fatigued when you arise. Your optimum liver function time is between 1:00 am and 3:00 am so let your liver rest & heal, and don't eat before bed!
Advanced Cleanse: You may try the Master Cleanse for the recommend period of time and then follow the 5 Day Gentle Cleanse (above) for 30 days for the ultimate flush!
So in conclusion; by following a good liver cleanse you will feel amazing for summer! Not only will your liver be healthier, the rest of your body will as well! Your skin will glow, you will slim down, your digestion will smooth out and you will feel regenerated. A little hard work and perseverance now will go a long way in extending your health. Happy Cleansing!
Medical Phytotherapist
 Lesley Baker

Tuesday, January 20, 2015